Simple to complex

January 15, 2017 § Leave a comment

ElephantBookmarkJo Nakashima is a brazilian nikkei who makes origami tutorials on YouTube.  His videos have three different leves of complexity from a simple bookmark to difficult dragons.

His videos show his hands developing each piece, including all steps, but also titles and the typical origami graphics that represent the way to fold, which make them easy to follow.

“It all began in 2007, when I uploaded my first videos, but I only started working seriously on my channel in 2009. Since then I have improved my channel and my origami skills a lot, and started creating my own models in 2010.”


What I  like the most about his posts is that he gives a lot of tips, he even recommend the best kind of paper to create each project, and upload the instruction in PDF. It’s a wrapped up project.



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July 3, 2016 § Leave a comment

Noelia Lozano

Noelia Lozano es una maravillosa diseñadora española dedicada a desarrollar escenarios en papel. Yo diría que su estilo está definido por el pop en todo sentido, la paleta de color, los patrones y texturas. Y no hay que olvidar el detalle en los acabados, es una perfeccionista de respeto.

En sus proyectos se siente la precisión que exige la geometría pero también la pasión que ella imprime en el proceso creativo, esas cosas se notan, cuando un proyecto se ha disfrutado, se nota.


¨Su trabajo se centra en el trabajo con papel, CGI y escenografía, combinando estas técnicas y materiales para crear imágenes táctiles en tres dimensiones con gran fuerza visual y colores intensos. Con un énfasis en el proceso, Noelia disfruta el destacar las texturas, el color, la luz, las sombras y las formas.¨ (

metsa city noelia lozano




Noelia Lozano is a goddess of papercraft, in her projects you can feel her passion about creation.

I admire her dedication and love for details. Her work has the charm of geometry and origami applied to stage design.

¨Her work is focused on papercrafts, CGI and set design- often combining these different techniques and materials to create boldly visual and colorful tactile imagery on three dimensions. With an emphasis on process, she loves highlighting textures, color, light, shadows, and shapes.¨ (

paper mountains

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Daily inspiration

March 19, 2016 § Leave a comment





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